Foxflash Bench Box Stop Working Error Solution

Foxflash Bench Box Stop Working Error Solution

Some customers gave feedback that Foxflash Bench Box stopped working recently.

The possible cause is the relay didn’t send 12v to ECU or the P channel mosfet burned. Check the corresponding solutions below.


Case 1: The relay didn’t send 12v to ECU.

The relay gives power.

The blue bench box, the relay is the one that sends the 12 VDC to the ECU. If there is no 12v, it is impossible to connect to the ECU.

foxflash bench box stop working solution 1

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Case 2: P channel near the relay mosfet burned.

Change it: DMP3010LK3-13, MOSFET P-CH 30V 17A TO252-3

At better install 5A fuse, to powerline after box.

foxflash bench box stop working solution 3


If you have the same problem of Foxflash, try to solve with the above methods.

If it’s still not working, feel free to contact our customer service.