What mode does foxFlash support?
foxFlash is a powerful tool for ecu and tcu
It supports a lot of modes.
OBD mode:(read the data from Diagnostic port ,you need remove the ecu or tcu from car or open the ecu box , just read everything from car, supports obd vr read, and original file from our server, you can direct obd vr read it )
BENCH mode: With service mode, you can use this mode clone or backup all ecu data, read the internal flash and external flash and eeprom data, so you can save a lot of money for clone ecu and tcu , you also can clone tcu and chiptuning with this mode.
: Jtag mode: open the ecu , and wire it or use ours adapter connect ecu ways,some of denso ecu always need use this mode for read and write .
Boot mode: open the ecu and always can backup everything , read the flash and eeprom , you can save some ecu cause your obd write failed, or some others reason cause the ecu dead.
Full system: you can read and write by pinout for most of ecu and tcu
BDM mode: some of the ecu need read and write in bdm mode ,open the ecu and use ours adapter connect it