How to Fix Foxflash “Execute Download with DFBTech_UPDATER” Error

Some users reported they try to download foxflash software to a new computer but showed this message:

Error “Execute Download with DFBTech_UPDATER for Tool”

Make sure

1. Defender off 

2. Date/time sync off (When you click ACTIVATE your time should go to 00:00 or 12:00)

3. Have a good internet connection. 

4. Ensure Foxflash is connected with both USB and 12V power

5. Check windows device manager that your foxflash is showing as installed.

6. Check if there is "version.dll' file in dfb folder. Don't let anti-virus program eat this file.

If the file was killed, download version.dll file then paste it to this folder (MUST DISABLE ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAMS!!!)
\Program Files (x86)\FoxFlash Manager\foxflash\DFB Technology

Execute Download with DFBTech solution

If did all above but had no luck, do a FULL re-install.

Delete all existing dfb files, download all again. something blocks the software.

Disconnect the interface and click download, then restart FoxFlash manager and the tool’s software.

Any more ideas please contact

Whatsapp:+86 15271813909